† Every year your chosen network will increase your
contract charges as follows:
O2: Your monthly price will increase every April by £1.80. Out of bundle charges will increase each year by 5% from 1st April.
Vodafone: During your minimum period, each yeah, on the 1st of
your monthly plan charge will increase by £1.80 (£1.00 for Pay monthly Basics plans).
Out of bundle charges will increase each April by the Consumer Price Index rate published
in January of that year + 3.9%.
Three: Each April, your monthly subscription charge will
increase depending on how much data you have bought, please see the table below:
Data allowance range |
Cost increase |
Lower or equal to 4GB |
£1.00 |
Greater than 4GB, less than 100GB |
£1.25 |
Greater or equal to 100GB |
£1.50 |
Please see network Terms & Conditions for more details - you'll find these on the